lundi, juin 09, 2008

"A brother to me shared a word he received from God addressed to the people and the servants of God. I was so built by the letter that I decided to put it online and share it at all. The letter was called by the Lord last week. Read carefully and if possible, share this letter with all your knowledge. "Donald SORO THE LETTER My achievement is not that of a man but that of a King, a great King All - Powerful, sitting on his white horse and taking in hand the seven golden candlesticks to try and reprimand those who do not believe in me because I am the Alpha and Omega The Apocalypse 22:13. My name is so great that anyone who receives it does not is not worthy of me and can not see my glory in his life. I come back soon said Amen. I find faith on earth? I find people worthy of me? Wash your robes, as they are full of tasks and even holes. Yes dépouillez you all your bad works because the approach end, my judgement approach. To all of you my servants: come to me because I do not deserve, purify yourself, purify your hearts and wash your hands. My reward will be great against you my Pastors because my people perish and you engraissez, your justice is not fair. Look at the horizon, one who judges arrive. It will be difficult to pass through the narrow door if you do not repent. Get my people, tearing your clothes and be in mourning, because my reward will be great against you. Where are you my people when I am looking for? What are you occupied my people? The days are bad. I come back soon, "I find faith in you? Luc18: 8 Are you ready for me? I will return as a thief, but also robs you of your works that do not m'honorent. I am Saint and whoever accepts me must be. Your tracks you seem healthy but they are dirty. Repens up my people and therefore sanctifies up, because AMEN back SOON.

Author: Joel Kouadio ( )

3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…



Is not the time coming, and the day hastening, when covetous men shall be ashamed of loving the world, and voluptuous men ashamed of loving their pleasures, and ambitious men ashamed of loving their honours?

For is it not a horrid shame, that a rational creature should be such a sot as to love sin which is most loathsome, and not to love Jesus who is most lovely?

To love deformity, and not beauty?

Oh shame, shame! It is a shame that sin should have such esteem, and Jesus such great contempt put upon him.

But shame shall before long confound these now shameless wretches, when they shall cry out, "We are ashamed that we loved profits, and not Jesus- houses, lands, lusts, and not Jesus.

This is the confusion of our faces, and shame covers us-- that we should be so foolish, and so blind, that we had not sense, nor reason, to distinguish between sin, which is the greatest and most odious evil, and Jesus who is the greatest and most lovely good."

But the time will never come, the day will never be, that a gracious soul shall be ashamed of his sincere love to Jesus Christ.

Unknown a dit…

I spent all my childhood in orphanages – my mother abandoned me when I was two – in retrospect was a blessing in disguise.

Fours years ago after years of counselling I dropped into a black hole – four months of absolute terror. I wanted to end my life. I reached out to a friend who took me to hospital.

I had three visits [hospital] in four months – I actually thought I was in hell.

I imagined I would be locked away – but the hospital staffs were very supportive - I had no control over my process].

I was released from hospital 16th September 2004, but my fear, pain & shame had only subsided a little. I woke up one morning & my process would start up again - fear, pain, & shame. No one could help me, not even my therapist – I was terrified.

I got on my knees one morning & asked Jesus Christ to have mercy on me - forgive me for m sins. I believe Jesus Christ delivered me from my “psychological prison.”

I am a practicing Catholic & the Holy Spirit is my friend & strength; every day since then has been a joy & blessing.

I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities. John 3: 8, John 15: 26, are verses I can relate to, organically.

He’s a real person who is with me all the time. I have so much joy & peace in my life, today, after a childhood spent in orphanages [England & Australia]. Fear, pain, & shame, are no longer my constant companions.

Jean-Luc a dit…

God Bless you Dear Micky.
